Monday, December 3, 2012

Hope Now

This is a song by Addison Road- Hope Now.

Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future



Saturday, December 1, 2012

Around The World..In Minutes

I was checking my email tonight and felt extremely overwhelmed. Not in the tired worn out sense but just an overwhelming sense of responsibility. In a good way of course. My words have made a difference. The thoughts and ramblings in the wee hours of the night have somehow reached all the way around the world and touched someone else's life. I have responded to emails in countries I could never have imagined so many years ago!
The year was 1998 and I was newly diognoised and had this deep need to find anything I could on osteosarcoma. I searched and searched the World Wide Web for any and all that had to do with my type of cancer. Google was not what it is today and trying to find some shred of hope among all the websites of dogs having osteosarcoma was a little discouraging to say the least. I wanted a face to go with a statistic. I wanted someone who had been down the road I was traveling to tell me that everything was going to be ok. I was going to make it. I wasn't just a number and another tragedy of a childhood stolen far too early. Those desires so many years ago has been what started  
I have been writing for my blog for over 2 years now and 10,000 views are rapidly approaching. I receive more and more emails from other patients and survivors both young and old; I can’t help but feel so humbled.  I truly feel God has given me a voice or in this case a gift of writing for a purpose.  Cancer can be such a heavy load to carry.  No one can truly understand the weight of the world you feel on your shoulders unless you have been there.  My hope is to help carry that weight so that no one has to feel alone in this battle. Through my words, I have been able to lighten that load. It truly is humbling. I am praying for what God has in store for this blog in the coming year. I want to continue to make a difference.
I vowed many years ago that I would not let this fight be in vein. I would make it count. 

Here is to making it count!
